Frequently Asked Questions

What type of files do you accept?

Nelson Steel Products generally works with the following types of files, listed here in order of preference.

3D CAD Models

  • Parasolid
  • STEP
  • IGES

2D CAD Files

  • DWG
  • DXF


  • Adobe PDF
  • AutoCAD (.DWG or .DXF)
  • SolidWorks ( .SLDDRW)
  • Solid Edge ( .DFT)
  • TIFF

While these represent the major files accepted, other formats may be acceptable as well.

What types of material does Nelson handle?
Nelson primarily uses Mild steel, Stainless, and Aluminum.
Do you have engineering capabilities?
Yes, engineering contributions are an extension of Nelson Steel’s complete steel fabrication capabilities. The professionals at Nelson Steel are experts at solving problems, and they prefer to be involved up front so they can assist with designs to maximize cost-reduction improvements and other efficiencies to save customers money.
How many shifts do you run?

Nelson Steel Products currently runs two shifts.

How many employees do you have?

While the number of workers fluctuates with work flow, Nelson Steel usually employs 90 to 100 employees.

How much square footage do you have?

Nelson Steel Products consists of three facilities less than a half mile of each other. The total area of these three buildings is 150,000 square feet.

Do you have trucking/delivery capabilities?

Nelson Steel Products makes local deliveries with our own delivery trucks, but we also work with any and all carriers.

Can I purchase raw material from Nelson Steel Products?

No, Nelson does not sell material to private parties.